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Crisis Recruiting: 3 Ways to Attract Hourly Workers

Recruiting tips to find the best talent during times of crisis

While the initial business shock of the COVID-19 health crisis is starting to fade, the effects of it are far from over. While it might seem like finding talent should be easy right now, it’s not. Many job seekers are hesitant to return to work. Some are worried about going back due to health concerns, others are unable to because they lack childcare or are home facilitating virtual learning.

To find hourly workers, employers have to design talent acquisition processes built for today’s world.  A lot has changed recently, from where you look for candidates to what it takes to attract and retain them. We have three strategies that can help you get more people back to work – safely.

1. Adapt your recruiting processes.

Much of the business world has moved online, and recruiting is no exception. The companies winning this new war for talent are those that are finding ways to adapt their processes to work within the context of our current environment. It’s all about creating a safer recruiting and interview process, such as implementing pre-fill applications and pre-interview screenings. When in-person interactions are necessary, it’s critical to carefully follow guidelines related to temperature checks, mask wearing, sanitizing and social distancing.

Many companies are having a hard time finding candidates in the first place. Job fairs have always been a staple for recruiting, but holding them in many parts of the country is impossible due to public gathering restrictions. But with a little ingenuity, it’s possible. Our Greensboro branch recently held a drive-thru job fair, sharing live updates during the event to encourage turnout and alleviate safety concerns. Other branches are following suit, with Sanford planning one in the coming week.

2. Use social media to your advantage.

When face-to-face interaction isn’t possible, companies lose the ability to foster connections and develop relationships with candidates. Using social media can help. In the absence of experiencing a company’s culture first hand, they can get a feel for it through what a company shares on its various channels. Highlighting your values, showcasing employees and posting videos can make you stand out.

Facebook is a great place to meet and connect with potential candidates. Jobcast found that while only 36% and 40% of job seekers are active on LinkedIn and Twitter, 83% of job seekers are frequent Facebook users. Our Greensboro office shared this video on Facebook to promote its open positions. Facebook has a number of free tools like Events, Jobs and Appointments. By tapping into what’s already free, available and within people’s timelines, local teams are able to connect with and respond to candidates easily online without needing them to come into the office.

3. Re-think perks and benefits.

The priorities and needs of workers have changed, with safety and flexibility at the top of the list. They need to feel confident that employers are taking all the necessary precautions at work to keep them healthy, but they also require more flexibility to handle any health issues that may arise at home with their families. Candidates are also more concerned than ever about finances, after many were furloughed or without pay for the early part of the health crisis.

The incentives, perks and benefits used to attract and retain workers should reflect this shift. First, employers should emphasize how they’re addressing workplace safety during the interview process to put candidates at ease. Second, being more flexible in terms of attendance requirements, paid time off and personal leave policies will curb some anxiety candidates might be feeling. And third, when possible, financial perks including temporary wage increases, giveaways, appreciation programs and double time pay for overtime can go a long way.

During times of crisis, employers need to ensure they’re hitting the mark in terms of how they’re reaching and attracting candidates. Making these changes to your recruiting process can help you cast a wider net in finding talent and send the right messages to candidates. In addition to helping with strategies like these, BelFlex partners with its client to deliver a host of staffing solutions. Learn more by visiting the Staffing Services section of our website where you can also submit a request for our team to contact you directly.

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