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Recruiting Recruiters: Has the Talent Crisis Hit Ground Zero?

Inside BelFlex’s Latest Article in Recruiter


From manufacturing to IT to everywhere in between, many employers are struggling to find enough people— and the right ones— to fill open roles within their organizations. The majority of articles on the topic attribute this struggle to the low unemployment rate across the country. Simply put, there are not enough people out there looking for work.

But there is also another reason why companies are facing this acute talent crisis—automation. For many companies, automation can be a double-edged sword. It can reduce the dependence on labor to perform mundane, manual tasks, thus increasing efficiency and saving valuable time and money. But it also requires employees with the necessary skills to operate today’s high-tech tools and equipment. With a shallow talent pool to begin with, this becomes a tall task.

The responsibility ultimately falls on the shoulders of staffing partners to find talent that fits the bill. For recruiters today, that means fighting an often uphill battle for talent in stressful environments.

While not to the extreme as some other industries, the talent crisis has in some ways hit staffing, which is, ironically, a profession that exists solely to help OTHERS fill roles and find work. BelFlex’s own Amy Langston was featured in Recruiter last month talking about ways to bring more people to staffing as a career—and keep them. In the article, she addresses:

  • Why recruiting isn’t a common career path and how staffing firms can change that
  • The misconceptions around recruiting and why it’s so rewarding
  • Characteristics that make a great recruiter
  • How staffing firms can increase employee tenure and build lasting relationships with their best recruiters
  • The importance of community on increasing employee engagement for recruiters

Read the full article, In the Age of Automation, Recruiting Recruiters Takes on New Urgency, at Recruiter.

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