W2 Info for Employees

Find the employee resources you need right here, including W-2 forms, paystub access info and temporary employee policies.

Employee W2 Information

W-2 tax forms will be postmarked by January 31.

Downloading your W2

  1. Log onto the UltiPro website
  2. Complete your registration and you will gain access to your paystubs (prior to 2025) and W-2 forms.

If you have any issues with logging onto the UltiPro website, contact your local branch office.

Questions about your W2

If you have other questions about your W-2 form or need a prior year W-2, send an email to W2@belflex.com. When emailing, please be sure to include the following in your message:

  • Your full name
  • The last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
  • A valid mailing address

We will get back to you within 3-5 business days.

Accessing your weekly paystubs for 2025 and later.

  1. Register/Logon to Greenshades portal
  2. Complete your registration and you will gain access to your paystubs.

Need Proof of Employment or Income?

Information for Belflex Employees and Temporary Associates

You have control over your personal information! Registration is optional. If you choose to register with EES, you have access to your verification data, request history, and privacy controls.

Not yet registered with EES?

  • Step 1: Visit www.experianverify.com
  • Step 2: I am an Employee box, select the Click Here link and complete the steps in the registration process.
  • Enter the following information:
    • 3EAB1A99
    • Full Social Security Number
    • Full Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Work (preferred) or Personal Email Address

Have questions?

EES by Experian Verify
Phone: 404.382.5400

Paystub Access Information

Company access code: BelFlex 
(This is case sensitive)

Login: First initial last name 8 digit date of birth
(Example: JSmith01011950)

Temporary Password: 8 digits
(Example using date of birth: 01011950)

Referral Program for BelFlex Employees

How the BelFlex Referral Program works:

Refer a Friend: If you know someone who would be a great fit for one of our assignments, we encourage you to refer them to us. All they need to do is mention your name in their interview!

40 Hours of Work: Your referred candidate needs to successfully complete 40 hours of work on their assignment.

Earn $50: Once your referral has completed the 40 hours, you will receive a referral bonus of $50 as a token of our appreciation for your recommendation.

Stay on Assignment, Get Paid

Remember, to receive your referral bonus, you must remain on your assignment. We believe that our team members are our best advocates, and this program is our way of thanking you for being a part of our team and for helping us connect with capable talent.

Disclaimer: The BelFlex Referral Program is subject to terms and conditions. BelFlex reserves the right to modify or discontinue the program at any time. Payment of referral bonuses is contingent upon the successful completion of the specified hours by the referred candidate. You must be a current employee of BelFlex to qualify for the program. Please contact your BelFlex representative for more details.

Questions & Answers for Temporary Employees

Q: If you get locked out of UltiPro and get a message that says to contact the System Administrator, what do you do?
A: Contact your local branch for assistance.

Q: Can I access my paystubs from my phone?
A: Yes, we have an app for that. Here are instructions on how to install and set up the UltiPro app.

Q: When will paystubs be available to view?
A:  Thursdays

*New employees entering a new assignment will only see mandatory taxes withheld. In states where applicable (OH, KY, and AL), local courtesy taxes will no longer be deducted from employee paychecks.