Safety Rules Are Our Best Tools

Workplace safety is a key concern for every Industrial company. Getting it right can help the whole operation’s performance grow. Safety issues may cost time, money, injuries, and even reputation damages.

Whenever you are at the workplace and spot something that has the potential to go wrong — practice SEE SOMETHING -SAY SOMETHING – do not take chances. Report it to your supervisor immediately!

“Safety doesn’t slow the job down- mishaps do.”

General Safety Rules

Be alert. Most accidents occur due to environmental causes, mechanical causes & human factors.

Watch out for others. Knowing your surroundings & potential hazards will help you as well as your co-workers stay safe!
Dress for safety. Do not wear loose-fitting clothes. Tie back or cover long hair. Make sure shoes are tied.

Wear all appropriate PPE. Never take short cuts and always take the time to wear your safety glasses, hard hats, work boots, safety gloves and fall protection, no matter how inconvenient it may seem at the time.

Read and follow the manufacturer’s label directions or SDS on safe use, handling, and storage of chemicals, pesticides, or cleaning supplies.

Do not operate any equipment that you have not been trained on.

Use good housekeeping practices, keep your area clean and hazard free.

Keep aisle-ways, walkways, and stairways clear, and never obstruct exits. Watch for and correct any trip hazards, spills, or leaks to prevent slips, trips & falls.

Always use proper lifting techniques. Do not attempt to lift or move objects that are too heavy to safely lift alone or without the aid of equipment or a co-worker.

Take safety seriously. Get involved with your safety program. Identify workplace hazards to your supervisor and provide feedback and input during the safety meetings.

Inspect all your tools and equipment for defects such as missing or inoperable machine guards. Do not operate unsafe tools or equipment. Report unsafe conditions.

Clean up your work at the end of the day or as needed. Lock up equipment and secure your work area. Label and guard all hazards.

Contact a BelFlex representative if you are NOT doing the job/assignment we sent you to perform.

Ask questions. If you are not sure how to do something, or simply need assistance, ask your immediate supervisor.

We’re proud to have a strong safety record and put our people first when it comes to staying safe at work! Interested in current BelFlex employment opportunities? Search open jobs or contact us.

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