National Safety Month: Preparedness is Key

The National Safety Council is the founder of National Safety Month. The Council aims to spread awareness of safety hazards and unintentional injuries for industrial workers of the United States.

Why National Safety Month is Important

  1. It focuses on all aspects of employee health and safety.
    Instead of focusing on a single workplace hazard, the National Safety Council selects four different types of health and safety issues each year and dedicates one week to each issue such as emergency preparedness, wellness, falls, and driving.
  2. It gives us insights into the history of industrial safety.
    National Safety Month gives us valuable information and statistics about industrial safety standards in the U.S. and Canada. It offers a detailed timeline of the development of labor laws in different industries.
  3. It offers safety tips for everyday life.
    National Safety Month teaches us to be proactive when it comes to anticipating potential disasters. This is something that you can implement at your workplace and home to make it safer for you and your loved ones.

How to Observe National Safety Month

  1. Conduct a home fire drill.
    Fire is highly likely. However, taking precautionary measures can prevent severe damage. And what better time than National Safety Month to practice a fire drill. Select a safety point that’s close to your house. Test your fire alarms and perform the drill.
  2. Update your first-aid kit.
    Keeping an updated professional first aid kit is a simple yet effective way to keep yourself prepared for unforeseen emergencies. Make sure to stock it with dressings, bandages, tape, ointments, wipes, aspirin, gloves, scissors, and gauze pads. Make sure to check the first-aid kit regularly and remove ointments and medications that have reached their expiration dates.
  3. Practice self-defense.
    It’s always good to be mentally and physically prepared to face any unforeseen harm or danger. The best part about self-defense is that anyone can learn it.

We honor National Safety Month because it’s the right thing to do! Hop over to Facebook and tell us how you observe the safety measures above!

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